Friday, March 11, 2011

Be like Krüger... or try.

Hey all. I know, I know... it's been a moment. Needed to catch up on some things and unfortunately this was neglected, but just a tad. Here's a new one for ya. I have been mesmorized by Sebastian Kruger as of late and wanted to take a crack at it. Lemme' know what'cha think.


1 comment:

  1. Man, you read my mind. I was wondering when your next post was going to be. Hopefully the first of more frequent posts? The world needs more CPS art, stat! LOL!

    As always, this is great, Chris! Is this Painter or traditional tools? As for who it is, I'm going to take a swing and say Teri Hatcher?

    Lastly, I've been reading the book you gave me on Figure Drawing. Very helpful. The learning curve for employing those methods has been a tad difficult. It always is when you are trying to unlearn bad habits for the right ones. Thanks again for that, sir!

    See you soon!

