Geez!!! You turn around and months pass by like dusty newspapers in the wind!! Well just to let you know (for whoever reads this stuff), I have been working on my game (see post below) and realized that I haven't posted anything in a while.
Well here is a pic for ya. Having started on the game which you can see more at www.galacticagents.blogspot.com, other game ideas have been circling the brain. This pic is a concept of the main character that is still in development. Help me out here and let me know what'cha think of him or what type of personality, occupation, or whatever... comes to mind. See ya in a while. Oh... I almost forgot. I ran into a blog that I absolutely just love!!
For those of you who don't know Pablo Navarro, he is the man!! He has worked on movies overseas and is Uber talented in the field of animation!!! His style adds a fresh air of creativity that rivals Disney on her best day!! Head on over there right now cuz he is no joke!
Here he is: http://pablonavarro.wordpress.com/